The girls went to a movie with Grandma and Grandpa. And we went to Cafe Rio and Olive Garden. Mostly Cafe Rio. I still dream about those pork burritos. YUM. We bought a new car. The girls test drove new cars for Grandma with Grandpa. They liked the Mustang Convertible best. (It was a no-go.) We hung out and played games, Wii and otherwise. We ate lots of ice cream and frozen custard. The girls went swimming and shopping with Grandma lots. I slept. Lots. It was good for me after a couple of too-busy weeks, and the girls loved it. King just kind of goes with the flow. :) (Yes, I realize I'm married to the best guy ever. Be jealous.)
King had to leave a few days before we did, to get back to work and church duties. My dad took him down to fly out, so that night, we celebrated and partied!!!
Because it was my nephew, E's, 5th birthday, of course. We would never be happy Daddy left! E wanted an alarm clock and a watch. Cute boy.
trying to figure out how to set the time
with mommy (isn't my sister a cutie?)
Later, some friends of ours from college days came to stay for a couple of nights. Ang was my roommate and engaged to King's roommate, and they set King and I up on our first date. The rest is history. Ang brought her two girls and one boy with her and we had a great time. We also got together with our other roommate, Jen, who also happens to be my best friend from Junior High. So much fun. Hard to believe we're old enough to have this many good lookin' kids. :)
10 of our combined 11 kids
Ang, Me, Jen
swimming (bet you never woulda guessed that one)
at the temple
Tuacahn, waiting for the show to start

the stage
this is a bad picture, but the girls really wanted a picture with the monkey
As a side note, the van we traded in to the dealership, so we could buy our new car, was "donated" for a short time to the Tuacahn Theatre so that they could have transportation. The girls were thrilled when Grandpa called just after we arrived home to say he saw Tarzan and his gorilla friends get out of our van. Tarzan was driving, of course. :)
And that's gonna do it for our St. George time. Only one more short travel post to go, and we'll be back to our regular, not consistent posting schedule.
You bought a new car? What kind? That is wonderful. This time in St. G sounds terrific. Love the pictures!