November 9, 2011

Daylight Savings?

Last Saturday night, when Daylight Savings time rolled around, we decided to not mention it to the girls.  Everyone was tired on Saturday.  And by tired I mean that I could barely stand anymore, the girls were fighting and whiny, and King had worked hard helping a few families that day and was exhausted.  I decided, as 9:00 rolled around, that everyone needed to just go to bed, and reminding them that it was really only 8:00 would just prolong the grouchiness.  So, off to bed we went.  (It took forever, but it always does.)

The great thing about Daylight Savings time being on Saturday night is that I always wake the girls up on Sunday, so we didn't worry about alarms and changing the girls' clocks.  And King was really relieved to have an extra hour of sleep before Bishopric Meeting.

But, we did not count on our girls being ultra-responsible that morning.  At five minutes after five in the morning, Snow White cam into our room, dressed for church, and said, "Dad, why aren't you up yet?  You said you were leaving at 6:15.  I am going with you for BYC."

Oh dear.  Two things wrong with this.  1) She's an hour early.  She thinks it's 6:05, because we didn't set her clock.  And 2) it's not BYC this week.  She confused BYD (Bishop's Youth Discussion--like a mini-fireside/Bible study--which we had been talking about the night before), with BYC (Bishop's Youth Committee--which she serves on as president of her age group of girls to help plan activities and fellowship youth).  BYC is held in the morning, before church, at 7:45 a.m., and BYD is held in the evening, at 6:30 p.m.  She had asked King the night before what time BYD was (remember, thinking it was BYC) and figured she needed to be ready at 6:15.  Such a responsible and nice girl.  And now a tired one that got up at 4:40 in the morning.  We sent her back to bed.

Then, at 5:45, King gets up and ready, then leaves for his meetings.  Just after he leaves at 6:15, I hear an alarm go off and Cinderella get in the shower.  What?!  She never gets up on her own on Sundays.  But today, of all days, she sets her alarm for 7:20 to get up and shower.  Only, her alarm clock is not set ahead either, so it's 6:20.  Such a nice and responsible girl.  And now one that is up too early on her only day to sleep in. 

Needless to say, I was not able to get that extra hour of sleep.  Oh well.  At least the girls proved that they can be responsible and nice.  Unfortunately, everyone was so tired from getting up early and the confusion that we ended up being five minutes late for church.  Well, next year we'll do better!  Everyone will be setting their clocks ahead right after dinner.  Sheesh.


  1. Oh, man. What a day!

  2. I love how no matter how much the time changes, we always manage to be late for church.


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