September 4, 2010

She Tried, Anyway

Well, it has been a day around this place.  Poor Sleeping Beauty woke up feeling dizzy and yucky.  She was lounging on the couch half the day, wouldn't eat anything, and now has a raging fever. 

Then Cinderella started feeling yucky.  Now she has a fever, but still has an appetite.  So maybe she's not so bad.

Sweet Snow White was singing songs to Sleeping Beauty to help her feel better.  So nice, I thought.  I went into the room to check on them and Sleeping Beauty performed this desperate sign-language-of-sorts, letting me know that Snow White better stop singing or maybe Sleeping Beauty would summon up the energy to throw a barrette (not too scary, but the only thing SB had the strength to lift) and impale SW, although she didn't have the heart to tell SW.  I scuttled SW out of the room, and saved her life, probably.  Actually, I may have saved them both.   

1 comment:

  1. Great save, Queen. Sweet of Snow White to try to help. Get well soon, girls, and don't share with others.


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