October 19, 2010

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

I did not forget you.  Nor did I forget my few faithful readers and family members whom I love so dearly.  I have been busy.  And feeling a little sorry for myself on a few points.  Not major things, but I'm tired.  Can we take a break and still be friends when I can get back to you?  Good. 

Thanks much,

p.s.  Remind me to tell you about the time that we watched that Babies show and the girls were scared to grow breasts, and that other time where we threw a great party and Cinderella turned 14.  See you soon!


  1. I will be around when you come back. Perhaps your baby sister could post something interesting that has been going on in her life while you take a rest (hint, hint).

  2. That babies movie is Sidney's new favorite movie. We love it at our house.


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