August 14, 2012

And So It Goes

It's almost impossible to believe that summer is already over.  We blinked and it was gone.  And speaking of blinking, I think last time I blinked a couple of times, the girls grew!  I really can't believe that they are in the 8th and 10th grade. 

I think the twinners, especially, have grown a lot this year.  (They look so much older to me than they did at this time last year.)  When we went to their school physicals, for the first time in many years (or maybe ever), they were the exact same height and weight.  When we measured on Grandma's measuring board this summer, it appeared that in a year and a half that both twins had grown nearly three inches.  And Cinderella is now just as tall as me!  All of them grew out of every pair of jeans they owned over the summer.  So, they all got lots of new school clothes.  Which was great for them, but bad for my pocket book.  (Please ignore all of the dead spots on our lawn.  We have a drought this year, and all of it used to look brown like that.  It's kind of a miracle any of it is green, actually.  Remember, no one here actually waters their lawn...including us.  We just pray for rain.  For reals.  (Yes, people that don't live in the desert pray for rain, too.))  :), they've grown.  And summer is over.  And it's back to another school year.  I suppose time flies when we are having fun!  (And, we're sure having lots of it.  Hopefully some day I will be able to pause in the fun and take time to update you on our summer adventures!) 

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