July 15, 2009

Hanging Out at Grandma's

Since this is my blog, and I can do what I want, I will post things we did on vacation randomly, instead of chronologically. If this offends you, maybe you shouldn't be here. Really, just go....

Okay, now that we're down to just the readers of the blog that care about every detail of our vacation, we can get on with it. What? You don't care? Fine. You can go, too....

So, as I was saying, we have lots of pictures and lots of stories, and it makes more sense in my head to categorize them and post them randomly. So, we'll begin with hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa D's. We were there about a week before we headed to northern Utah, and then SW, SB, and I were there for nine more days after we had all of our northern Utah fun. We did a lot of swimming in the pool, which we could only do with Grandma or Grandpa present, and only on the "children welcome" hours, which are during lunch, and during dinner. Whatever. We didn't need to eat anyway. We were full of Creamies and Sun Chips.Speaking of Creamies, we had a lot of them! Yumm-o. We had fun sharing them with E and S, our cute cousins that also live in St. George. We pretty much loved everything about being around E and S. S is two and so funny. He's got a contagious laugh and tickled the girls to death with the cute things he did and said. E is almost four and the girls loved reading books with him. They enjoyed giving him hard words to sound out. He's a good little reader, that cute, smart boy.Here's a shot of the cute little guys we watched roaming around G & G's back yard: Actually, that isn't a very cute one, but that's the one Snow White took a picture of. And, here are the flowers she took a picture of:I promised her I'd post those.

I already told you about the girls going to see Footloose with Grandma and Grandpa, and here's a shot of them as they headed off for their date. My dad sort of looks like he wasn't excited, but he was. He would say, "What did you want me to do, a back flip?" He's so funny.
And then, the pictures from the do-over that Snow White had because she got sick the first time:
Other things we did while there were: eat at Cafe Rio (my choice) and Olive Garden(the girls' choice), (on a side note: I think my girls look so much like my sister, Em, in this picture, don't you?)
mini-golf, golf, shop, play games (only one of which sent little S to the Insta-care with a Nurse's Elbow. It's a long story, but he was fine), play horsey, go to the park, go to the splash pad, and just hang out. It was loads of fun.

And, I think that's enough remembering for today. Makes me tired just thinking about all that fun!


  1. Wow...I know it hasn't been that long since we've seen you, but all of the princesses look much more grown up!

    Glad you had such a great time.

  2. Your girls are looking so grown up!

  3. You know it is a good back yard when it has a lizrd in it!


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