July 30, 2009

Too Tired to Think of What to Call This Lame Post

Today I took the girls to the zoo and a museum. They liked it. I liked it. Except for the walking in the hot sun part. And the part where I had a headache and felt like I was going to pass out and was accused of being "unfair" and "ridiculous" because I did not feel like walking to the back of the zoo to see if they had cotton candy in that part of the zoo. They were out of it at the north entrance, and the three food places closest to there. And then I was done. I did not want cotton candy, and I would not kill myself for it. I know. I'm mean. Where are my priorities, anyway?

So, we have another day of play tomorrow and I asked the girls what we should do. Science Museum, Farm Fun, Art Museum, or something else?

"What, why can't we do something fun?!" Cinderella said.

"Um, they're all fun." I won't tell you which one's eyes about rolled out of her head.

"We have to walk too much for all of those," whined Sleeping Beauty, "Can't we go shopping instead? I hate walking around."

"Sweetie, you walk a lot when we shop. That's walking. You'd rather walk around shopping for clothes we won't buy than walk around looking at cool animals?"

"Well, yeah," she said, "Duh."

Duh. Of course. Why would we want to go somewhere that is unique to St. Louis, when we could go to Old Navy that looks just like the one we have at home? I told you, something is wrong with my priorities today. I wonder if we could find a mall that has cotton candy? Two happy girls out of three would be pretty good. Fantastic, actually.


  1. I have to say that finding fresh cotton candy is worth risking death, but that is coming from a girl that had it at her wedding reception.
    I wish I was there, I would take you up on any of those options. Have fun!

  2. I'd say two out of three is pretty good odds.

  3. Oh, St. Louis! I loved it there. I hope you guys are having a great time.


  4. You're in St.Louise? When did thata happen?


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