June 29, 2012

Comparatively Speaking

So, how does Especially For Youth (EFY) in Illinois compare to EFY in Hawaii?  I wonder if you could guess...

Last day of EFY in Hawaii:

Last day of EFY in Illinois:

Needless to say, Hawaii is Cinderella's top choice.  But it's not really Illinois's fault.  Cinderella woke up on the third day of EFY with a sore throat.  That night, she had a headache.  The next morning, she awoke not feeling well, and didn't eat much.  During the middle of the afternoon activities, she started getting chills and felt really weak.  She found a health counselor, and her fever was 103.5.  That's when they called me.  But, she was four hours away, so I couldn't get to her until the middle of the night.  So, those nice counselors drugged her up and moved her to her own room where she slept the night.  I left in the morning to go pick her up.

After I arrived, we found an urgent care.  Since her fever was still 102, and she had multiple symptoms, they made her wear a mask while she waited (2 hours!!) to see the doctor.  Turns out, she had the worst case of strep our family has ever seen.  It took about six days for her to feel well again.  Poor thing.  

She really loved all of the activities she went to at EFY, until she started feeling lousy.  She loved her counselors, and met some nice kids.  But, it wasn't really her best week. She lived., and she still wants to go next year, so I suppose it wasn't too traumatic for her.  We're just glad she only had strep and was four hours away instead of across the ocean!


  1. Poor girl! But yes, our girls had such a great week last year in Hawaii. Maybe everything is better in Hawaii??


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