February 15, 2013

Cutest Elephants Ever

Cinderella had a friend over a couple of weekends ago.  She told me she didn't have a plan of things to do with this friend except maybe cook something delicious and eat it (and why isn't that a good plan?) ;)  She asked her friend if she had any ideas, and Princess R had lots of ideas.  And one involved sewing.  And we have a sewing machine.  How perfect!

The project was a bit more than R bargained for, and Cinderella was a bit apprehensive about tackling the project (I think because she's had more sewing practice and could more clearly see what they were getting into) but after a few kinks, we worked it out.  And aren't they adorable?  Here they are at school wearing their creations.  Love them (the shirts and the girls.)

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