February 13, 2013


Well, it has happened.  I survived the year that I had been dreading since the doctor assured me that the two tiny babies in my womb were indeed girls.  I remember thinking, "But, how will I survive three teenage girls?!  A fifteen-year-old and two thirteen-year-olds?  That year might be hell."  Well, I don't want to brag or anything, but we are all still alive!  Woot!  So I sort of feel like King and I deserve an award or something.  Really.

The kicker is, I don't think it is over. Considering all three girls have their iPods taken away, and two are grounded from the computer this week, I think maybe, those long years ago, I should have worried about more than just the past year.  Oy.  And, they are GOOD kids, which I am so grateful for.  I can guarantee that I would be dead now if they weren't.  Or in jail.  (Probably in jail.)

I don't mean to sound all doomsday or anything. We definitely have some really great, fun times.  They are all delightfully funny, joyful, smart girls.  It's just that we never know when those girls will appear for an extended period of time.  It is sort of like waking up every morning and playing a game to see which of your delightful daughters has morphed into a hormonal ticking time bomb.  Which one do you have to treat gently?  And will the one who was joking with you last night be in a joking mood this morning, or did her funny sense of humor completely disappear as she was sleeping?  It's a gamble, I tell you.

Oh, but I love them.  More than anything.  They are the light of my life.  It sometimes feels like a strobe light.  But, it's my favorite light.  :)

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