August 8, 2011

Freak Out Day (Just a Bit)

So, really, registering your high school girl isn't so bad.  It's pretty fun.  Unless you think about how fast the last four years have gone, and then you start to hyperventilate a little because before you know it, she will be in college.  And also you should really not look around at the other students, half of which are practically fully grown men!!!(Okay, young boys...but really big young boys!)--who will be looking at and conversing with your baby girl.  Maybe.  But hopefully not, because she is just your baby girl, right? 

Oh, and at the pediatrician today, the twins got a full explanation of how horrible warts are.  The down there kind.  Disgusting.  And traumatizing.  And a little more of an answer than they wanted when they asked what one of the shots on the list of shots to choose from was all about.  But I suppose if you ask a nurse these kinds of questions, you should be prepared for a detailed answer.  They know that now. And I'm pretty sure they are done asking questions.  Or thinking about engaging  Which is just fine by me.

So I was pretty much having one of those, "Holy Toledo, how on earth did I manage to get old enough to have children who are being educated on STDs...or one in high school...or almost in college?!?!?!  I am living someone else's life, right?!"

But then the girls fought like little toddlers and acted selfish, and silly, and downright ridiculously juvenile during Family Home Evening, and all was right in the world again.



  1. Wow! I think I will have my kids ask all kinds of questions when they go to the doctor at that age. Sounds like a good way to scare them! ;)
    I can't believe Cinderella is old enough to be in high school. I still remember getting the phone call telling me she had been born. That was just yesterday, right?!

  2. Unbelievable! I'm still remembering their dad in 7th grade-I had to go to sex-ed class and they told us all the things they would teach the kids and I said my son still played with "little cars" but the other mom (I think there were 3 of us that actually showed up) said, well my son thinks about girls-- alot! How the years fly by. Actually hope it caused them some concern but hate to think they are old enough to know about such things!

  3. Oh my gosh, your posts has me rolling on the floor!

    Sometimes medical personal can be a little too objective in answering innocent questions. I'm sure I've been faulted a time or two in this area...

  4. I guess you can just be glad they didn't ask YOU the vaccine question. :) I've already let Josh know that he gets to answer all the medical related questions in our household. :)


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