June 10, 2009

I'm Feeling Fine

I had no relief from headaches (well, that's a tiny lie--I had some relief of the severity, but still had every day headaches that affected my functioning, so not any relief that counted for much) with the two medications I have been on the last couple of months. So, considering I was losing half my hair and gained half the weight of a three-year-old, my doctor decided to bag the drugs I was on and put me back on one that helped the head a little better. A little. And, lucky me, it's the one that makes me not sleep well at night. In the past five nights, I've slept a combined total of 26 hours, which I'm pretty sure is not quite enough.

But, I'm feeling fine. And, really, baking soda in muffins and dishwasher soap in a load of dishes could be considered a little overrated, right?


  1. Anonymous6/12/2009

    Hey...at least you didn't put dish detergent in the muffins and baking soda in the dishwasher :)

  2. I just want to say yuck again. That's all.


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