January 28, 2011

Scripture Power!

January seems like the longest month in the year to me.  Does it feel that way to you?  I think it's because it's so cold, and so gray, and so, well, winterish. 

I'll admit, it's the month where I have the hardest time "pushing past the pain" and forcing myself to get out of the house and pretend I don't have a headache.  And, I think the weather helps those headaches be a lot harder to ignore, too.  So, I've been feeling a little sorry for myself and feeling a little (okay, a lot) lousy.  Which in and of itself is sometimes not such a bad thing, because of what it usually forces me to do--immerse myself in the scriptures.

I've been spending more time studying and thinking, and discussing with my brother (who is going through something not particularly easy right now) the things I'm learning.  And, while it doesn't make the skies any less gray, or the winter any less cold, I will say it helps my perspective and reminds me that there are more important things than weather and how bad my head hurts to worry about.  Every time I read, I get a boost of power that I need.  I've been humming the Children's Primary song, "Scripture Power" the past couple of weeks.

Because I want to be like the Savior, and I can,
I’m reading His instructions, I’m following His plan.
Because I want the power His word will give to me,
I’m changing how I live, I’m changing what I’ll be.


I’ll find the sword of truth in each scripture that I learn.
I’ll take the shield of faith from these pages that I turn.
I’ll wear each vital part of the armor of the Lord,
And fight my daily battles, and win a great reward.


Scripture power keeps me safe from sin.
Scripture power is the power to win.
Scripture power! Ev’ryday I need
The power that I get each time I read. 

I love the simple message of the song.  God is good, His word is true, and following it's precepts can help us to increase our faith and change our lives for the better.  Sanctify our lives to Him.  

Now, don't misunderstand me--I'm ready for January to be over!  But I am also going into February with stronger armor and extra power.  

Which is probably really good, since the twins turn twelve next week.  Twelve!  How did this happen?!  When did they grow up so quickly?!  I don't know if I'm ready for this!


  1. Yep. Love this. And I'm always struck by the phrase "Every day I need..." Not I should, I need. It's a stark reminder whenever I hear it.

  2. Such great post. I love that song and it's reminders as well.

  3. I really need to do better at the 'immercing', I'm really good at sprinkling. Except one day that I was really tired and complaining about something while in bed and Bill said, "Did you read your scriptures today?" It happened to be the only day I didn't! grrrr, it's a long month, he couldn't asked any other day? Maybe I need to complain more?


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