September 7, 2011

Random Thoughts

*I saw a pretend arm and hand hanging out of the back of someone's trunk on my drive to the grocery store today.  I laughed.  It was very funny.  In a disturbed sort of way.

*I'm no good at packing.  I either over pack or under pack.  The last couple of trips I am afraid I under packed.  This time I might overdo it.  It think when the temperature will be anywhere between 50 and 80, it makes things too complicated for me.  This is not a good situation for someone who (regrets to admit that she) spends 1/3 to 1/2 of her days in sweats or pajamas, saving energy most people spend on dressing and primping, to do fun things like pick kids up from track or make dinner. I don't know what to pack and wear for twelve days.  It's overwhelming.

*Cinderella had her first piano lesson of the fall yesterday.  She was actually excited.  She didn't come right out and say it, but I could tell.  And today she practiced for 30 minutes without me saying anything.  Could it be that she is maturing and is finally grateful we "forced" her to take piano all these years?. . . Nah, must have been something in the air today.  She is fourteen, after all.  I haven't done anything right or good in years. 

*I have discovered Words with Friends on Facebook, a game just like Scrabble but played from your phone or computer with your far or near friends and family.  I am addicted.  It's quite possible that I may need some intervention.

*Not that I blog with much regularity as of late, but it may be a while until you hear from me again.  I am afraid every coherent minute I spend over the next couple of weeks is already planned for me.  I think I may not be on a computer at all, except for maybe a quick check of my email. (Ah man, I might lose all of my Words with Friends games by forfeit.  Bummer.)

*I bought a seeded watermelon yesterday.  By accident.  I usually buy seedless.  It was one of the best tasting watermelons we've had all year.  But, my family ate hardly any of it at dinner because it was "too annoying" and "too much work".  Oh, boy.  


  1. My advice? Always underpack for a trip that involves NYC. Especially when you'll have to be lugging your suitcases back and forth around the city with you. Here the motto is "less is more." :)

    Seriously cannot wait to see you!

  2. The farmer at our local produce stand informed me that you trade sweetness when you buy seedless. That probably explains why watermelon doesn't taste quite like I remember from my childhood days.


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