February 18, 2009

Crumpet, anyone?

Snow White has decided she is "a little London girl." She has picked up an English accent, presumably from a combination of Charlie and Lola, a sound recording of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and My Fair Lady, and it has stuck. If it weren't so irritating, it would be cute. Sure, it was cute the first ten minutes. And I must admit, her throwing a tantrum about not enough food in the house is much more charming with a British accent. It's quite funny, really.

But, after two days of it, we're all sort of ready to throw her out on the street and let her try her hand at selling flowers. King bet her a hug that she could keep the accent up all week. She aims to do it. Everyone in the house is about ready to kick his bloomin' arse for making that bet.


  1. That's hilarious. Just demand full Eliza treatment in return: "lots of chocolates for me to eat..."

  2. now THAT'S funny. please do keep us posted!!!

  3. does this bet include school?

  4. I think every girl goes through a British Accent Phase. Hopefully hers won't last for too much longer. :)

  5. Sounds like a good week for lots of one on one time for the King and Snow White!

  6. The king really shouldn't have betted against a better. Go Snow White!

  7. i can't wait to hear who wins the bet. there has got to be some way you can take advantage of this . . . i'll let you know when i come up with it.:)

  8. So funny! I think it is hilarious that she kept it up through a tantrum.
    I, like Kristie, want to know if she does it at school.

  9. I say OVER THROW the KING. Kings can do what they want and then go to work, while the queen gets to enjoy ALL the good stuff. Let's pray there isn't a snow day in the week. What a funny thing, in a few weeks.

  10. I talked to Snow White's teacher. Apparently, she does occasionally turn into a "London girl" at school, too. Her teacher thought everyone in the class should try it for a while but no one else wanted to play.

  11. My daughter went through the British accent phase. Only she was terrible at it. Then we moved down south and she gave her hand at a Southern drawl. I wanted to claw my ears out. So anyway...I guess I'm saying...good luck!

  12. My kids have a guy in school with then that talks with a fake British accent and it drives them nuts! Now remember, they are seniors in high school:) He has been doing it for years and years. Good luck!


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