February 25, 2009

A New Course

Saw the neurologist again yesterday. He asked how the new medicines were working. How many days had I had a headache last month.

"Uh, pretty much every day."

"Really? So, no change. How many days with light and sound sensitivity a week?"

"Well, three to five, or more. Probably."

"And," piped in my kind, but brutally truthful husband, "the medicine is making her a bit loopy."

Thankfully, the good doctor didn't ask for examples. But, we have them. Boy, do we have them.

Deeming this course of treatment unreliable, at best, we decided it's time for a new route. According to the doctor, he has tried me on two of the three best medicines. The third, he doesn't give to "young girls" (I knew I liked him for some reason) like myself because it will "make the girls very fat and the hair ugly, and terrible birth defects. We can do that for you in many years down the road."

Oh, good. I'm sure I'll be super excited to be very fat and have ugly hair when I'm, say, fifty or sixty. Whatever.

And, just in case you were worried. I'm not pregnant or ever planning on being again, so the birth defect thing wouldn't be an issue anyway. So don't get all freaked out about that or anything.

So. We go back to another kind of treatment, but one that is a different kind of pill of that kind of treatment. Clear as mud? Thought so.

A friend asked me if I was okay with this. Starting a new medicine again and just seeing if it would work. Well. What else do I do? Just give up? I figure I'll experiment for a while and when I can't take it any more, then I'll be done. For now, that's what I feel good about, so that's what I'll do. I've always liked science experiments. (Actually, that's a big fat lie. I can't stand them. I cannot tell you how many times this year I have jumped for joy that somehow we got an off year for all three girls in the science fair department. Wahooo!)

But, I do have to say that I will miss my medicine that makes me loopy. It's really nice to have an excuse for my stupid behavior. My regular excuse is that I have twins and just can't quite get it together. That excuse has really been too old for about eight years, though. Too bad. It's a good one.


  1. As my dad always says: "better living through chemistry."

    Hope this new, yet old, medicine helps!

  2. It just seems like one of these experiments has to work! I was going to say something else, but I forgot it...is having twins 14 years ago still an excuse?

  3. Here's hoping you can find the delicate balance between healthy and loopy.

  4. Man, it really isn't fair--and I'm not the one with the headaches!!! I love your honesty and your humor in everything you write. Good luck with the new meds. Here's hoping they work.

  5. I do enjoy a good excuse for my behavior! Good luck with the new meds.

  6. i think that chronic headaches are a good excuse for any deviant behavior. here's hoping the next experiment leaves you feeling great instead of like a lab rat!


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