March 16, 2012

It Was Classic

We decided it was high time our girls saw the classic sweeping saga Gone With the Wind.  It had been ages since King and I had seen the movie, and the girls had no idea what it was about.  The only thing the knew was that it had the first swear word in a film, and that it was long.  (True, that.)
We ordered pizza, filled our plates for the long haul, and settled in for the forty-seven hour show.  Being the technology savvy 21st century people that we are, we quickly forwarded over all those pesky beginning credits and got right to the story.  I felt a little confused at first, I think because it had been so long since I'd seen the show, but soon, the characters settled in, and the story-line began to make sense.  I remembered select scenes of the movie, and kept wondering when some would happen, and was surprised some scenes came earlier in the movie than I had remembered.

It wasn't until that famous scene leading up to the profanity (yes, I'm  bit slow) that I realized our mistake:  King had put in the second DVD, and we'd watched only the last half of the movie.  King and I laughed and laughed, and the girls were annoyed.  If anyone out there is interested in watching only the first half of Gone With the Wind, come on over!  I'm sure we'll get to it sometime in the next 25 years.


  1. Awesome. So awesome. :)

    (Also, thanks for the chuckle...I needed one today.)


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