January 20, 2009


How are we celebrating the inauguration of our new President? With stop-motion animation, of course. So, without further ado, I give you the creation that comes about when you leave two nine-year-olds, a ten-year-old, and a twelve-year-old with daddy, a camera, all the blankets off the beds, their dolls, and the ten-year-old's brother's toys.

*The views depicted in these movies do not necessarily reflect the views of the author of this blog. Any similarities to real people and animals is coincidental; these are works of fiction.*

First, Gotta Move On:

And, second, Dinosaur Destruction:

*This post has been brought to you by Four Star Productions. They wish to thank their parents, their Primary Leaders, their friends, and the new leader of the free world for inspiration, as well as the members of the Academy for their future nomination.*


  1. I love it! Especially the dramatic ending of "Dinosaur Destruction." And the music was perfect; well done!

  2. Those are awesome. I especially love the background music selection for the dinosaur one. Classic. If I'm ever called to serve at the Academy, I'll be sure to put in a plug for your little film makers. :)

  3. You really should have put a rating on those. I just let my four your old watch the dinosaur and now I think he is going to have nightmares. That was quite graphic! ;)

    Those are really cool!

  4. Do you think they'll remember us in their acceptance speeches?

    The 10 year old couldn't wait to go to school and tell her friends that she made a movie yesterday!

  5. Wow, I'm trying to decide if I like Les Mis better with dinosaurs or people. :)


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