January 30, 2009

A Little Off

Since I have been feeling beyond lousy the past few days, I was thrilled to wake up this morning feeling mostly human. (A human with a headache, but at least a manageable one!) The girls were thrilled to wake up to the third snow day in a row. No school!

They were less than thrilled when I let them know they would be required to do chores and responsibilities before turning on the TV. Actually, 'less than thrilled' might be an understatement.

"I am not doing that! We don't have school. It's a day off," screamed Snow White.

"It's a day off of school, not a day off of life," I retorted.

"Well, we didn't clean the last two days," Sleeping Beauty pointed out, none too nicely.

"Well, it's a different day. I don't care if you do Webkinz or watch TV, but if you want to, the bathroom and hallway must be clean. No more talking about it."

I didn't talk anymore about it, but they sure had a lot more to say. A lot more. I don't know how they managed to pull themselves back together and get their chores done, but somehow they did. Of course, judging from the fact that my twelve- and ten-year-olds are now watching Dora, The Explorer, I think it's safe to say that my getting up this morning has officially thrown their day off kilter.


  1. Isn't it funny when kids have a few days off without doing chores they think they shouldn't have to do them any more? I wish they would be grateful for the break and start working with smiles--hasn't happened at our house, but I can dream.

  2. A day off? How divine would that be! I'd love to just be able to get away with a couple of chores. I can't believe you had 3 snow days in a row! That's amazing. Pictures?


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