January 14, 2009

Ten (plus) Ten (equals) Disaster

Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are turning ten in a few short weeks. We only have "friend" parties every few years, and this is one of those years for them. I, being the clever and resourceful mom that I am, suggested they have a Luau themed party.

"We just did that!" complained one.

"No, that's boring. We just had one of those!" said the other.

King, who is usually very clever and generally the best guy ever, had the stupid unique idea to have a theme focusing on the birthday they will celebrate: ten. So far, our ideas are: Ten Little Indians(too politically incorrect); Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed(too juvenile, and not good for our furniture); Ten Apples Up On Top(again, too juvenile); The Powers of Ten--go ahead, click on the link, you know you have no clue what it means--(a little nerdy. Well, a lot nerdy, and frankly, super confusing and way too scientific.); The Big Ten(maybe if they were boys); the Ten Commandments (Thou shalt not blow out the candles before making a good wish...); and, my personal favorite, the Ten Virgins.

So, now the girls are set on this ten thing (heaven help us all), unless I come up with something more fabulous. So, if you'll excuse me, I need to do some research on how to create a biblical oil lamp from play-dough and school glue. Unless, of course, you have an idea that might be better. Please? Anything? Anything at all?


  1. The Ten Virgins. Ha! I love it!
    I will have to think about this and get back to you with some ideas...

  2. ahhh!!! GOOD LUCK!

    you could do an america idol party -- the top ten finalists???

    obviously we have A.I. on the brain..........

  3. You could do some sort of a top ten countdown! I don't know, I think abut it!?

  4. I'm unhelpful. The only thing I can think of is bowling since there are 10 pins. And 10 frames.

    Or you could do things that have nothing to do with the number 10, but have TEN in the word. Like TENnis or hair exTENsions. :) Ha. I really should probably not ever have kids.

    Here is a list of a ton of words that have "ten" in the words somewhere. I don't know... it might spark some ideas in people with more brain cells than I have.

  5. Anonymous1/14/2009

    Ummm....I don't think I will offer any suggestions, because I want to see how that play doh and glue thing is going to work out for ya! Hee hee :)

  6. What about just a "Top Ten" party that incorporates 10 of their favorite things... could include foods, games, hobbies, clothes, etc. Just a thought.

    (And maybe throughout the party, girls could hold up those judges paddles and rank things on a 1-10 scale.... or make some kind of game out of it.)

  7. How about their 10 favorite things?

    Or a party with everything around the letter "T" -Ten, tiny, twin, telephone, etc.

    Or something related to each year of their life (favorite story, song, food, event, etc.)
    age 1, age 2, age 3 up to 10.

    Tessa would love to be there to help! Good luck!!

  8. i'm afraid that the nerds at my house would have a lot of fun with the powers of 10. thanks for the link!;)

    i like the ideas given for a top 10 party. you could have fun with that.

    ask your husband to keep his ideas to himself next time unless they are thought out to the end!:)

  9. Oh, you are too, too funny. How about words with ten letters? Like, uh, uh, tantalizing (whoops), or microphone (got it), or zookeeper (darn), or whatever (double darn). I'm sure there must be something out there! Have fun.

  10. All of these things are great, but I think I have the winner...
    Then Things I Hate About You!

  11. Ten in the bed and the little one said . . .

    The "cool" birthday thing in our last ward was to have "Late Over" parties where everyone comes in pj's to watch movies, play games, make girly nonsense typical of a sleepover, then all go home late.

  12. Wow! Thanks, EVERYBODY for your suggestions. As much as I want to explain in detail what a virgin is to a bunch of ten-year-olds, I think that we may be able to come up with something else after all.

    Sarah(in UT--almost FRANCE!!!)--you definitely should have kids. You'll be an awesome mom, hair extensions and all. And, thanks for the list of TEN words. Cool sight. What do you think about barTENding for a game?

    James1-5--Want to help with the craft portion of the party? Then you can see how they turn out.

    Sarah(in MN)--We SO wish Tessa were here, too!

    Scrappy--We do that party every day around here.

    -A--We've had those late over parties too. We call them "Late Nights" but I like the "Late Over" name. Crazy, but since we don't do sleepovers, it's a great option. The girls love that.

    PHEW--that was almost a post.

  13. I clicked over from healthy habits.
    We have lots in common, you and I, except my three terrors, er, princess are a bit younger.

    So have you had the party yet? If not the top ten thing is good.

    Or TEN can just be a theme unto itself. 10 friends to the party, 10 cupcakes, 10 gifts, 10 candles, a big ol' 10 sign hanging in the window, 10 jellybeans 10 pretzels etc for each of the 10 friends....
    good luck with it!


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