January 16, 2009


Right now, it's -13 outside, not including the wind chill. That's more like 30 below. So, no school, which is great. Who wants to go anywhere? We're spending the home bound time doing fun things like overdressing, overeating, over drinking (hot chocolate, that is) and over stressing about our frozen kitchen pipe.

I called my dad for advice on the pipe thing. His advice? "Why do you live there? You should move. I'm glad I'm not there." Thanks, Dad. As if I didn't already think of that one. In fact, I spent a good half hour this morning trying desperately to think of somewhere I could go on a four day weekend that was both 1) much warmer than here, or 2) a place where family lives. I have a cousin five hours south, but it's only ten degrees there today, so it didn't qualify in the first category. My two other closest cousins live north where it is ten degrees colder than it is here. My sister lives where it's actually above freezing, but it would take me twelve hours to drive there. Sigh.

So, I suppose we'll stay here in the freezing cold. However, if we run out of hot chocolate, I'm done. I'm moving to the equator. And I'm not taking one fuzzy sock or sweatshirt.

**update: After four hours with the space heater under the kitchen sink, the pipe finally thawed. Phew. Last night, we kept the cabinets open, and they have that insulation stuff around them, but it just wasn't enough. Tonight, we'll have to keep the space heater under the sink also. Fun times.**


  1. Come on down to Texas, we'd love to have you, if you don't mind staying at the hospital!!

  2. I'm sorry you are all so cold. Makes me feel bad that we have been complaining at work because our heat went out with a blackout three days ago and it has been cold (in the 60's) in our building. Keep bundled up, and I hope your pipe thaws out soon. What a pain.

  3. Anonymous1/16/2009

    One thing we have learned is to keep the cabinet under the kitchen sink (assuming that is where the frozen pipe is) fairly clear and leave the door cabinet open on cold nights. I helps keep the pipes from freezing. So does heat tape wrapped around the pipe at the base (that also helps with thawing). Have you tried a blow drier? Don't use a blow torch, which is what the people who owned our old house before us did. They burned a part of the floor and support beam, which we didn't know until after we bought the house.

  4. WE did the same where-can-we-go-for-the-next-four-days process of elimination and still came up home and cold. I feel your pain, but you are welcome to visit anytime you'd like.

  5. Anonymous1/16/2009

    Really, what else is there to do on a day like today than eat chocolate in its various forms and veg in front of the tv?

  6. You could also move to New Mexico. Brett and the boys were out riding motorcycles in short sleeve shirts for a few hours on Saturday. I still drink my hot chocolate and would be willing so share with you. Really, sorry about your pipes and the freezing weather it really limits what you can do. Good luck.


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