February 1, 2010


1.  Why is it impossible to buy a package of girls underwear that is only white?  When I was a kid, somehow my mom found some (much to my chagrin--I really wanted fancy undies) but now no one makes any.  Not even online.  Can't anyone be boring anymore?

2.  Why is it that when you finally drag your sorry butt to the grocery store, you must forget at least one important thing?!

3.  Does it seem strange to you that throughout the whole week, I am tripping over the girls' dress shoes, stepping on them when I hang something in their closets, or telling the girls to stop throwing them at each other, but on Sunday morning, the shoes are nowhere to be found?  Invisible.  Missing.  NOT HERE.  I swear it is the Devil's way of making us late to church, and me in a surly mood.  Ugh.

4.  Why don't I have one of those little mesh lingerie bag thingies my mom used to have?  I'm sure everyone has one.  Not me.  I just throw in those nylons with the rest of my laundry and then wonder why they got ruined when I pull them out of the washer velcro-ed to a jacket or ski glove.  What do those dumb mesh bags cost anyway?  Five dollars?  Add it to my grocery list--(but I am sure I will forget it.)

5.  I am running out of Peppermint Hot Chocolate and it is still only February 1st.  I do not think I will make it the three more months of winter. (Yes, three--I live in the frozen tundra of America where we all pretend it is Spring in March but really know it will keep on freezing until May.)

6.  Why does it cost an arm and five legs to fly across America.  My sister gives birth to a tiny new girl tomorrow, and I live in the freezing tundra of America, not near her, and will not meet said baby until she is in Kindergarten, or something.  Anyone have a private airplane they want to lend me?  Actually, I take that back.  I really am a scaredy cat when it comes to those tiny planes, so I would need to do the "drug me and put me in the luggage and wake me up when we get there" route, if you're game.  Let me know.  

7.  My babies turn eleven this week.  Eleven!!  Where did the time go?  How am I this old?  I mean, I certainly don't look it--my forehead doesn't even have any wrinkles. ;)


  1. I know hanna andersson has white underwear for gilrs. They are a litle pricey. Oran has some underwear from them and he loves them. They are really soft. Just an idea.

  2. I just bought a mesh lingerie bag at Target for less than $2.
    And if it didn't cost more to ship them than hot cocoa containers are worth, I would have some on its way to you. I have at least three unused Stephen's hot cocoas that need some attention.

  3. I loved your randomness post today. Can the babies really be eleven? I still think of them going to nursery with that cute young couple that loved them in their blue and purple dresses.

  4. What, your girls don't want to wear Dora the Explorer underwear?

  5. Denise2/02/2010

    I think I know the solution to your shoe problem. You probably have your girls clean their rooms on Saturday. If they put their shoes away on that day, they probably don't know where to find the shoes because they are not tripping over them!

  6. I would be glad to send you a mesh bag if you forget to buy one anytime soon. I actually have one I wash my bras in, and one for pantyhose, which I put them in when I take them off.
    The shoes problem I have no solution to. Denise is probably right on.

  7. i got my mesh bag a target for less than $2 also. looks like you should start there. you could probably have mine, i put stuff in it and then find it in the dryer because i forget to drag it out anyway.

  8. Girlfriend, my first borns turn 19 this week! How in the world did that happen?

  9. #2 = ME! ALWAYS!!!! annoying.....


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