February 3, 2009


"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us." - Epicurus (341 - 270 BC) Greek philosopher. 

I have to tell you that Epicurus was on to something with this one. As I have become increasingly debilitated by daily migraines I have had many people offer to help. It's hard for me to think of things they can do to help. But, I can tell you that it is beyond comforting to know that there are many willing, if I need it. I have had many friends that have offered to do many things, and this week I have taken them up on it. Not for me, but because Snow White and Sleeping Beauty deserve to have a fun birthday, despite my head. 

 I have one friend bringing my family dinner. This has happened a lot over the last few weeks and it is so nice to have things in the freezer ready to go if I have a bad day. The friend bringing dinner this week is bringing a "kid-friendly" meal with the recipe attached so that if we like it, the princesses won't have trouble making it again. She's so clever. 

One friend of mine is driving Snow White to dance this week. This ensures that I can clean the house that day and rest in the afternoon, instead of drive. (Which I can tell you, from experience, is not the safest thing to do when you have a migraine and are experimenting with new drugs. Legal ones, I promise.) 

 I also have two great friends that are doing everything for the twins' birthday party. They are making games and decorations, cupcakes and treats. (The birthday post is here.) I couldn't do it without them. This was a hard one to let them do. After all, if it was up to dad, he'd just have the kids over, throw candy at them and let them play. That could work. But, I wanted the girls to have it be the way they wanted it to be. My friends know me well enough to know what I wanted to do, and offered to do it so I could actually make it to the party in one piece. I think that SB and SW won't remember that their mom had a miserable week before their party, they'll remember their dream tenth birthday party. And that means more to me than just about anything this week. 

 And as if these friends weren't doing enough, one of them even found me mint M&Ms yesterday and brought them to me. My favorite. :) I really have the best friends in the world. You all should move here. Sure, we have snow and ice and sub-zero temperatures and your kids have to stay home from school half the time in the winter, but there are really, really great people. 

 And, I'm hoping after this week, I can stick with just being confident that they would help me if I needed it.


  1. I'd come back in a heartbeat if I could. I miss you, and I wish I could help.

  2. great quote, great post, and great friends. I'm glad they're there for you.

  3. I am so glad that you have friends out there to do the things I wish I could do for you.
    Give them a big THANK YOU from a grateful sister.
    Love you!

  4. ditto to what Lindsay said.

    exactly ditto.

  5. Ditto to what Lindsay said. I wish I was there to help too. I remember about 2 years ago when I was surrounded by the love of those wonderful people. It made all the difference.

  6. And thank you from a grateful mom-in-law who if she could, would have loved to have been there to help. However, I'm "party" challenged, so I'm afraid I would have joined king and just thrown more candy at them. However, I'm a great cleaner-upper! Take care honey.


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