February 11, 2009

That's All

I have something to say. (Oh, stop the sarcastic move to the edge of your seat. I can't see you anyway.)

I am really, really, really tired of people saying "It's a good idea to ________________in these tough economic times." You can pretty much fill in the blank with whatever you want:

check on your neighbor.
make your own coffee instead of stopping at Starbucks.
save your money.
conserve your energy. (Electricity-you can still exercise, darn it.)
use your last slivers of soap.
recycle your newspaper.
smile at someone.
brown bag it instead of going out.
ride the bus.
wear a beehive hairstyle.

Well, maybe some of us already do those things, and we don't need to be reminded, thank you very much. (Except for the coffee thing, because I never drink coffee, which may explain why I have a hard time waking up in the morning.) But, I'm distracting myself.

Maybe if every other sentence on the news didn't talk about what a horribly tough economic time this is, all these people wouldn't be so hung up on it. I realize I'm oversimplifying here, but there is more to life than stuff and I'm just tired of being reminded of "these difficult economic times." All of the time. (Cue Forrest Gump voice.) And that's all I have to say about that.


  1. Yup yup yup. I started getting annoyed with the phrase "in these difficult economic times" around Christmas, and now it's gotten to the point where I can hardly turn on Sesame Street for Garrett without getting it drilled into me yet again. But you know what's worse that the phrase alone? When the president uses the phrase in his choppy way of speaking (ie: ahem "in these...difficult...economic times...it is...vital...that Congress...pass my stimulus...plan." etc, etc.) Don't get me wrong, he seems like a nice enough guy. But whenever I hear him speak, all I can think of is the dead-on Saturday Night Live impersonation of him and it's starting to grate on my nerves.

  2. I agree. I get tired of hearing all of those things - especially since I'm already doing them all it seems. Annoying.

  3. I knew my beehive was frugal...nobody believed me!

  4. all the doom and gloom perpetuated by the media is only making this recession worse. it's time to spend wisely but have some hope in the future.


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