February 6, 2009

We're Gonna Party

"...like it's nineteen-ninety-nine!" Remember when we all thought it would be the end of the world in 1999? (Well, some people did.) And then when it was closer and we knew it wasn't the end of the world, but we thought it might be the end of our technology? So we spent hours backing everything on our computers up in case they fried. And we got a bunch of cash in case our credit cards exploded. And we stored extra rice in case...I don't know, why did people do that? Because China might crumble? Because the cash registers might spontaneously combust? I have no idea. I was too busy. I had a three-year-old and two eleven-month-olds, I was too busy to care if the world was coming to an end. In fact, I bet there were days I wished it was. I don't remember. I was too sleepy then to remember much of what I thought.Anyway, tonight is the birthday party, and they can't wait. It's been three years since I've let them have a friend party and they are counting down the hours. You'll be relieved to know they have dropped the Ten idea. They did like the idea of a "Top Ten" party, but couldn't agree on the same top ten things, and "Top Sixteen and a Half" just didn't have the same ring to it. So, it's a "Backwards Birthday Bash!" we will be having. But, since tomorrow I get to start doubling the dose of my new meds, don't expect a party report too soon. Trying to take my pants off once I've got them on backwards will be hard enough. Have a good weekend!


  1. Miss those chubby little cheeks. Have a fun party!

  2. I hope you have a wonderful party!

  3. Let the fun begin... meds and all :)

  4. I hope it was terrific. Can't wait to hear all about it from those darlings! Good luck with the med, O queen. You deserve the best. (Just think--you haven't had to deal with diapers for years!)


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