March 2, 2009


We got a little extra culture this weekend, thanks to Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. They were part of a state-wide choir and had a festival and recital on Saturday. They've been practicing and memorizing the songs for a few months after school and during recess. The work paid off, they sounded great. (Grandmas, you can see a little clip of the concert on our private blog, if you wish.)Also, Snow White had some of her art entered into an aircraft drawing contest. It was up on display at a local museum, and we went to visit it.Just call us artsy-fartsy. Pretty soon we'll be so cultured, we'll be putting on Shakespeare in our backyard for the neighbors. Or something like that.


  1. Don't laugh. I think I actually did that. Greg and I put on "My Turn on Earth" in the back of my grandpa Berrett's pick up truck, and we tried to charge admission. :)

  2. My mom did the same thing with my older siblings. They would round up all the neighborhood kids TO participate. My mom wrote the script and made the sets and costumes. Wonder woman, right? Too bad none of that rubbed off on me.

  3. Art is always good! I am happy for your family.

  4. We had a friend wo wrote and produced plays with my kids when they were young. Lots of work, but fun! We know nothing of the artsy fartsy lifestyle:-)


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