March 20, 2009

Mean Green

To celebrate our Irish heritage (we don't really have any, but we all are pale enough to look sickly and burn instead of tan, so we count that) on Tuesday, I made Fettucine Alfredo, and colored the sauce green. I served green beans, green pears, and green colored lemon bars. The best part about this meal was that Cinderella mistook the sauce for Pesto sauce, or something, and actually ate the sauce. She HATES Alfredo sauce and refuses to try it every time we have it. This time, she got herself a big helping.

"This is yummy," she said, as she served herself some seconds, "but it's different than the stuff you usually make."

"No, I've made it before."

"Really? I don't remember it."

"It's just Alfredo sauce, colored green," said Snow White.

"What?!" Cinderella said, incredulous, "This is Alfredo? Ewwww."

"But, you like it," I said.

"Well, I wouldn't have eaten it if I knew. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Uh, because you wouldn't have eaten it if you knew. And now you love it. So, there you go." Duh.

"That's just rude," she said.

"I'm sorry you love your dinner. Tomorrow I promise to make you something you hate."

She rolled her eyes, stuck her nose in the air, and ate another serving of the horrid Alfredo. Poor thing. She has such a mean mom.


  1. What I love about this, and I am not a bit embarrassed to tell you this, is to know that your kids are as insane as mine. Thank you.

  2. Hilarious! Maybe you should just make your alfredo sauce green all the time....

  3. I'm curious...did she finish that dinner that she loved?

  4. Debbie,Yes, they are definitely insane. Glad yours are, too.

    Lindsay, Yes, she finished the dinner, and loved it.

    Wendy, I may start coloring all the food around her green. Just for fun, or at least to bug Cinderella some.

  5. hah! we consistently lie to kimball and tell him that our soup is made from vegetable broth because he "doesn't like" chicken broth.

  6. Because I went to a boarding school I eat everything and enjoy it!

  7. That is so cute! I love her sassy attitude!

  8. Anonymous3/24/2009

    It's fun to trick your kids into eating something different

  9. Awesome post! I need to file away your mean mom moments so I can use them later. :)


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