March 11, 2009

There is No Point

There's not much to report on around here lately. Life keeps plugging along. I just finished my two week course of medicine to "stop the headache cycle" and am very glad. I don't like the feeling of being drugged so much I'm not myself. I guess I was myself, but not a self I was comfortable with. It's a lot easier to walk down the hall when you don't tip over to one side and run into the wall. Really. It just is. Cinderella calls this the "shopping cart syndrome". You know, when you get that bum cart at the store that just steers off to the right for no reason at all. Yep, that's been me. A bum cart.

Also this week is dress rehearsal for the Middle School play Cinderella is in. She's wearing some of my clothes to be an orphan in Annie. I think maybe this should offend me more than it does.

The King is on Spring Break from the University but he is working hard anyway. We decided to take one day and do something fun while the girls are in school. Only we're too boring (and probably too drugged) to come up with anything creative. Our plan is to go to lunch. Which, frankly, sounds taxing enough for my body, so maybe it's a good thing we're not creative. And I do love me some Thai food.

Yesterday, Snow White came home from school with pen all over her arm. I think this is irritating, but it was even worse this time since she misspelled heart as "hart". King told her that if she didn't wash it off immediately, he would change the "h" to an "f" and force her to wear short sleeves to school. I'm not really sure why she didn't laugh like I did. Instead, she scrubbed her arm until it was pink and swollen. But pen free.

The end.


  1. That pen-writing business is hilarious! I need to jot that one down and remember it for a few years down the road! Awesome.

  2. So DID it stop the headache cycle? And I think out to lunch sounds like a mighty fine outing. I think I'll go write that idea on my arm.

  3. Ha! I love the motivation to get the pen off her arm. Genius! It sort of reminds me of the station master (or maybe it's one of the cleaning crew people) at our nearest subway stop. Every morning he goes down to the platform and, with a permanent marker of his own, slightly alters the letters in the foul language graffitied on the wall ads so that it's much less offensive. You can still tell what it was, but it's nice to know there are people out there who care enough to try to fix it.

  4. Okay, the differenct between boys and girls is that my boys probably would have come home with fart on their arms and not laughed if we were going to change it to hart.
    I hope you enjoy that Thai food, maybe catch a movie or go for some ice-cream to really be on the edge of craziness.

  5. I love reading your blogs. It's so amazing that your wit and humor are so sharp when you're going through all the cr*p you have to go through with your headaches!

  6. Ah, Thai food. I do love it.
    And I don't like that pen business either:)

  7. King can have an odd sense of humor now and then huh? So what is the verdict on the two week med cycle?


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