March 26, 2009

Poor King....

...he's losing his eyesight. I know this because he folded laundry and put some of my jeans in Cinderella's pile and several of her shirts in my closet. She is a size zero and I am a size...much bigger than that. Clearly we are nowhere near the same size and certainly he should be able to see that. My conclusion is that he is going blind.

Either that or he is trying to flatter me. Maybe it would work if Cinderella didn't bring me my pants and say, "Mom, these are not mine. They are ginormous. Where did they come from?"

Must make eye appointment immediately.


  1. hAhA!!!!!!!!!!!


    reminds me of this:
    last week tyler was telling my sister that she is skinny just like him. welllll she said "what about your mommy?!" and he said "SHE IS PERFECT JUST THE WAY SHE IS!!!" haha!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That as happened in my house as well. I had no idea bad vision was contagious.

  3. i love your blog. it makes me want 3 girls just so my blog can be more entertaining.

  4. This is so funny!! We don't have mix-ups like that yet, but I'm sure down the road the boys clothes will rarely make it to the right person. Too cute!

  5. I have been following your blog for awhile, love it. The funny thing is I have never seen a picture of you, plenty of your cute daughters but none of you, that is until I you posted the dancing video. I am so glad I know what you look like now lol. The blog I write on is
    just in case you were wondering who has been lurking.

  6. Welcome Christine-
    It's nice to "meet" you. Thanks for your comment! I know I never have pictures of me, I'm always behind the camera! So glad the only picture you've seen of me I have my tongue sticking out. Nice. ;)


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