August 18, 2009

Are You As Sick Of This As I Am?

Some of you are just plain sick of hearing about my headaches. I fall into this category. Definitely my husband does. But, there are others who have emailed asking me for an update, so here's a quick one---

Last week I went Monday through Friday to the hospital 45 minutes from my home to get some anti-seizure medicine by IV. Monday I was just exhausted, Tuesday I thought I would die, or at least throw up several times on the freeway, but then every day after that it got a little better. Mostly because I figured out that I needed to eat and drink a little during the IV meds and give myself a few minutes before jumping in the car to head home. Luckily King was able to take me each day, because I certainly was too tired and loopy to be driving.

As far as the headaches go, they did decrease in severity, but didn't go away like they were supposed to. And three days later they are back in full force. Tomorrow, I have another appointment with the headache specialist, and we'll see what the plan is from there. He mentioned before that if the hospital IVs didn't help that we may do that again with a stronger medicine, and then move on to Botox injections in the nerves that control migraine headaches. All I can say is I certainly hope those nerves are near my eyes, or on my forehead in certain areas. It would be nice to look good and feel good. Or, at least look good if I can't feel good.

So, that's the deal. I'll let you know more as I know more. Thanks for your prayers and support. They surely help!
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