August 19, 2009


So, the headache doctor ordered one more round of IV medications for the next five days. I feel sort of like a truck ran over me. I think my head still hurts, but I'm too sick to care. If I still have a headache after five days of this, I'm going scream. And then get Botox injections. If the insurance approves them. And if I still like my doctor after this, which seems unlikely. And if I feel like driving over an hour to get them, which just sounds too far right now. And expensive.

Bless my husband who is the kindest man on earth and, among other countless things, will drive me to the ends of the earth if I ask him to, but luckily he only has to go 45 minutes to get me my IVs.

Bless my girls who give me hugs and kisses and are incessantly patient with a mom who feels lousy.

Bless my friends who are willing to clean my house and make my family dinner and even drive me to the hospital when my husband is working.

Bless my sisters who talk to me and let me complain to them even though getting a divorce or being sick-as-a-dog pregnant while chasing three boys are much more miserable than having your arm stuck five times for an IV.

And mostly, bless my parents for teaching me that Jesus Christ knows me and loves me and is there whenever I need Him. Because sometimes that really is the only thing that gets me through the day.

Enough complaining. Now, back to bed...


  1. We love you, we pray for you, we hurt for you. Thank you for sharing your testimony. Things will get better--not sure how or when, but they will. So sorry that such pain comes to one who is so caring and giving.

  2. bless you, Queen, for enduring this really really awful trial!!!

    hang in there.

  3. Maybe being sick-as-a-dog pregnant is worse than being stuck 5 times (5 times each day if you get that same nurse again!), but certainly not worse than having a headache for 2 years straight. I'll take my trials any day.
    I love you and hope it all works out very soon.

  4. My goodness, you poor dear. This all sounds down right miserable. I hope something works out soon for you! Hang in there!

  5. I'm thinking they need to put some chocolate in those IVs. I should have been a doctor.

  6. Denise8/20/2009

    Yep. Steph should have been a doctor for sure. Mainlining chocolate can't hurt anyone, right?
    I know you receive too much unsolicited advice, but have you thought of getting tested for environmental and food allergies? Just thought I would mention it....

  7. Chocolate in my IV?! I'm asking them for sure today if it's possible.
    Denise--I have been tested for allergies. I do take allergy medicine for trees and grass and dust and molds and have been getting shots for five years for all that, but my last test showed no new allergies and no food allergies. I thought for sure I was eating something that was making me sick, but, no. (Which is good, because if they told me to never eat chocolate again, I think I would have cried.)

  8. So after today you're over 1/2 through (this round)? Man, what ever is making you have these headaches has got to have the tenasity of super glue. You're in my prayers (as always!)


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