August 12, 2009

What A Difference A Year Makes

First day of school, August 2008:

First day of school, August 2009:

They've grown up so much! They all had a good day. Snow White and Sleeping Beauty love their new teacher. He's funny, he loves giraffes, and his favorite color is orange.

Cinderella is sure that her Family and Consumer Science teacher doesn't like her because when she asked Cinderella what a syllabus is, Cinderella wasn't sure how to describe it. Cinderella was also severely disappointed that not one of her teachers noticed she was reading Jane Austen. She waited until yesterday to start reading Pride and Prejudice so that her teachers might think she's smart. Tomorrow, she is going to read it with the cover up higher, so people can read it. Classic.


  1. I can't believe how much the Princesses have grown up in the last year. The picture at the piano of the 3 princesses cracked me up. It looks like Cinderella was definitely feeling the part of a teenager.

  2. I'm sure Cinderella has no problem convincing people she is smart ....

    I do love that book though!

  3. so cute and SO GROWN UP. WOW!!!!


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