August 28, 2009

Would You Like a Side of Fries With That?

I told you how fun it was to get my IV infusions before, but now I'd just like to say that the best part was that it costs so much money. Ridiculous amounts. As in, $700 each time I went. For a 15 minute infusion. I'm sure the water I drank from a styrofoam cup cost around $25. I wish I had felt well enough to enjoy it. And I'm really glad I never felt well enough to eat anything the nurses offered. We do have insurance(thank goodness!), but 20% of that is still more than I'd like to pay for feeling like being run over by a truck. The whole thing makes me think that health care reform may not be a bad idea after all. But, that is something I do not really want to think of, nor discuss. So, moving on...

While my headaches got quite a bit better throughout the five day course, ultimately it did not work to break the cycle. I thought that on Monday morning, when I woke with no headache at all, that it had done it's job. But, a mere five hours later, I was in bed, miserable. I figure relief at roughly $250 an hour isn't really worth it. What do you think?

So, I spoke with the doctor. He feels bad. He says we pray this new medication kicks in and gives me some relief while we wait on the insurance to approve a round of Botox. Admittedly, it has taken me a few days to scrape my dissappointed self off of the expensive proverbial hospital floor, but I've done it. I'm ready to move on and face the week. But, Botox?

Now, I don't know about you, but I honestly think that I would never, ever elect to have a Botox treatment for cosmetic purposes. I think I'd like to grow old gracefully. What's the point of enjoying three lovely daughters if I can't show off some wrinkles and gray hairs as my badges of honor? Millions of people survived old age before they figured out shooting botulism into your face made you look beautiful.

Yes, botulism. The thing that you get if you eat those green beans that have been sitting in Grandma's basement for 25 years. Or honey when you're a baby. That is what they are proposing I shoot into my head. Sounds yummy, huh? It boggles the mind that someone actually came up with this idea. What is wrong with those scientific folks anyway? Well, besides being uber smart and highly creative. Botulism? Really?

You know, they only use Botox for migraine relief now because of it unsuspectingly relieving the migraines of those who had done the procedure electively for cosmetic purposes. They have since completed other studies where they have injected it into more sights than just on the forehead, like the neck and around the temple. (You can read a little about some studies here.) The relief sounds promising, and temporary. Most people have to repeat the procedure every three to six months, but have excellent results. So, you never know.

I have some decisions to make. If my insurance won't cover it, do I pay the $2500 to try it out? Will it work? If it does, is it worth the money? If it doesn't, can I handle that? Do I really want botulism in my face anyway? Will I like looking permanently surprised? That might be better than looking permanently mad or confused, which is what I think I look like when I'm trying to think with a bad headache. What about side effects? Are they worth it? (For example--according to this site 11% of patients using Botox for medical conditions experienced headache as a side effect!) And, am I really ready to subject my mind and body to one more thing that might or might not help?

I do realize these are not life threatening decisions, but they are things I must think about in the next few weeks. For now, I am glad my body has a break from trying new things. It's worn out. This week has been high on the pain scale and some hours I can barely walk down the hall without feeling fatigued. It's time for a little break before I move on to the next course.

And, I'll leave today with my favorite scripture this week: Alma 58:11: "Yea, and it came to pass that the Lord our God did visit us with assurances that he would deliver us; yea, insomuch that he did speak peace to our souls, and did grant unto us great faith, and did cause us that we should hope for our adeliverance in him." Because, no matter what, that is really the only deliverance I truly need. And I get it for free!! :)


  1. I had a teacher in high school who had the botox shots. Before she would passout in the middle of a class because of it. It helped her out a lot and she didn't have any wrinkles-they stayed away longer because they injected it deeper than with the regular cosmetic version.

  2. Such a tough decision to make. Big medical decisions seem to paralyze me, I am so afraid of making the wrong decision when it comes to my health or my children's. I think it sounds like it is worth a try though. I know God will lead you to make the decision that is best for your family.

  3. Yuck, those are hard questions with big price tags. You'll figure this out, though, I just know it.

  4. We have a neurologist friend who uses the Botox procedure and has found it very successful. It was basically all he did. You can talk to him, if you want, if you think it will help make the decision. YOu can always come here!!!!!


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