June 16, 2008

Hiding Place

Today, we had some friends over to play and have lunch. I told the kids they could each have an Oreo after they finished lunch.
"What?!" said Cinderella, "Where have those been hiding?"
"I'm not telling," I said.
"I've been looking all over for them since we had our ice cream party."

As if I would tell her where my great hiding place is. But, what I'm worried about now is--did she find the treats I bought and hid for the airplane flight coming up soon, the stocking stuffers I forgot to use last year and hope to remember to use this year, the scrapbook I bought on clearance and hope to bribe her with sometime (when it's necessary to stoop that low), the Laffy Taffy I knew she couldn't resist even though the orthodontist said it's taboo, and the stash of cash I keep for lunch money or emergencies (like ice cream or M&M cravings)? Surely she's looked in all my regular places and found them, or she's just not as smart as I think she is. I think I may have to move things to the Oreo hiding place. The problem is, my church bag is just a little too small for all of that.


  1. Nice hiding place. :)

  2. I'm surprised they didn't see the Oreos in your teeth during sacrament meeting! ;)


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