August 9, 2008


I love the Olympics!! I have since I was a kid. Ever since I watched Mary Lou Retton nail her landings in 1984, I have been a committed fan. I love all the events. It is awe-inspiring to witness athletes at their best competing with the top competitors in their sports. I'd like to say I always root for USA, but the truth is, if there is an underdog, I usually want them to win. Then, USA can place next. This year, I'm looking forward to watching hours and hours, since we have cable now. So, if you want me to do anything for you in the next couple of weeks, you better hope I can do it with one eye and ear on the Olympic Games.

And, speaking of awe-inspiring: did you see those Opening Ceremonies last night? I was astounded at the ability of all of these performers to stay in synch. Wow.
(pictures from the internet) What a ceremony! It was amazing. I'd hate to be in the shoes of the next host country (Great Britain, I believe.) It was a hard act to follow.I, for one, am looking to be entertained and inspired for the next two weeks by the great Olympians. Are you looking forward to it also? May the best athlete win! (And Go USA!!!)


  1. Thanks for leaving a comment about my post with the sampler. I am very intriqued by the Olympics this year. I hope to fit them into my schedule. LOVE the name of this blog and what beautiful girls you have!

  2. the opening ceremonies were amazing. at least the part i saw before i fell asleep. it's still on the tivo, so i'll finish it soon . . .
    i'm with you. i'm an olympic junkie. we already have over 20 hours saved on the tivo and it's only the second day. yikes!

  3. I have also really enjoyed the opening ceremonies. I am not ready to jump on the China Express yet. I feel like I am watching a giant propaganda show. I hope that it all works out really well and I even hope that the Chineese people finish first in the metal contention. There is a great country in there, I hope it is the one that wins out!

  4. I'm having a hard time working with one ear listening to the TV we have on the Olympics. I love to watch the athletes and to hear the stories of how some have struggled to be where they are. How about the mens 4X100 swim team!? That was awesome!!


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