August 24, 2008

Oh Dear

Because I have cheeks the size of chipmunks, can barely eat anything, am totally doped up on painkillers, and can't really think too straight, I would like to leave you with a link today, instead of a real post.
My cousin just started a blog called Diapers and Divinity. I recently read a post of hers that made me laugh right out loud (which was an achievement, since I was feeling quite miserable.) It is called "Mom, you're not going to like this...". And really, how can a conversation with your child turn out well if it starts like that? Oh dear. So, go, enjoy her story, and browse around her new blog for a while. I promise, you'll be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're not up to par yet... thanks for sharing that blog!


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