August 14, 2008


The girls had a great first day of school, despite the fact that it was still dark!!! when Cinderella got on the bus. (Did you notice that in the pictures?!) That's right, the bus picks her up at 6:30 in the morning! Crazy. I'm trying to remember to be thankful that she is picked up at the end of our driveway rather than having to walk to a bus stop, but the fact is, that makes it take longer to pick everyone up and we're one of the first stops on the route. I am much more bothered with the whole time thing than she is. She was up and ready and has a great attitude--If only I didn't have the experience of five previous years to know this will go away in the next couple of weeks. Sigh.

Cinderella survived the first day of middle school. She loved it. She had no problems with her locker and didn't get trampled during passing period (her greatest fears). She even liked all of her teachers. Especially her math teacher, which is good. I'm predicting math will be her trickier subject, and if she loves her teacher, she's more likely to overcome her shyness and ask for help.

Sleeping Beauty and Snow White also loved their new school. It is 1/4 the size of their old school, so after just a day they say they know where everything is. As predicted, Snow White was tickled by her new teacher's dry humor. When Cinderella was in Mrs. S's class two years ago, I would visit and Mrs. S's personality often reminded me of Snow White's humor. I think they'll get along great.

Sleeping Beauty is in heaven with 12 girls and 8 boys in her class. Last year there were only 8 girls and 16 boys, and the year before that 7 girls and 16 boys. She's excited that she will be able to sit by a girl every once in awhile, and especially excited that she can sit by her sister. So far, both girls deemed the work in class "fun" and "easy". And I'm sure the first day's assignments will reflect what is coming. ;)

As for me? I do miss the girls( I know, shocking, when you take into account three days ago), but am delighted to have some quiet time to myself. Mostly, I have had a fabulous time watching Olympics and folding laundry. Oh, and lying on the couch reading and wasting time. I figure I only have a few days a year to indulge myself, so I do. Pretty soon, I'll start subbing, volunteering in the girls' classroom, and all the other normal things I should be doing. But for now, I'm enjoying the quiet. Heavenly.


  1. Aaaaah, quiet. That would be nice. I still have a two year old around when my other two leave... not quiet!
    I am so glad the princesses had a good day. Here's to a good year!

  2. I remember a couple of years where I got to have that kind of peace. That's the one area where public school trumps homeschooling:-0

  3. I'm glad the first day was a good one for the girls. I'm sure Snow White and Sleeping Beauty will enjoy being in the same class for a change.


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