August 27, 2008

I Wonder as I Wander

Truth be told, I have only wandered out of the house for about one hour in the past week since I got my wisdom teeth out. But, I'll tell you, lying around recuperating from bone-breaking surgery and unpleasant drug side effects has given me plenty of time to wonder.

For instance, why am I the only one in the house that knows how to change the toilet paper roll? And why do I always realize it's empty from my glorious perch atop the toilet bowl? Now, that's a comfortable position to reach under the cupboard and change it from. Doesn't anyone realize when they go that they've used the last squares?

Why is it that when the girls have ALL of their clothes picked out the night before a school morning that mysteriously in the night the clean socks have all disappeared? Where do they go? Why do we need to look for socks every morning when they were "just right here" the night before?

Also, I wonder how it is possible that five people can dirty nearly every cup in the day. Even though I made these cute little coasters that have their names on them that they are supposed to put their water cups on. Did they all forget how to read their names? Or perhaps they all need new glasses? Hmmm, it's a puzzlement.

And one last thing, with over sixty channels, how is it possible that there is nothing good on TV in the afternoons?


  1. I firmly believe that the disappearing cups is an age-old problem that will only be solved when there are only two of you in the house. I'm sorry to be so blunt. The toilet paper thing ranks right up there on the not-going-to-happen-soon list, too.

  2. Anonymous8/28/2008

    The toilet paper issue has had me stumped for years. I am amazed that I go to businesses and find the toilet paper roll sitting on top of either the dispenser or the cabinet next to the toilet.
    I have also wondered why it isn't possible to go to the bathroom in private when you have children at home. That still puzzles me. I have that same problem now when grandchildren are around, but, somehow, I find it cute now. I didn't back then.

  3. Yes, I recently blogged about our toilet paper challanges, even tried to find a simpler way, to help those who may be a bit slow in the toilet paper thinking catagory...useless! And cups, coasters is a good idea, i drew circles with wet erase markers, but coasters... I'll try that. I don't 'do' socks. We have a basket where all socks go, they can rummage through to find what they need. That would explain why my children are often seen in mis-matched socks (or flip-flops). I hope you're feeling better!


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