About a month ago, I decided to sign up to receive in my Google Reader, a feed of "Family Gems", quotes from my
church leaders that focus on strengthening and supporting marriage and families. (You can sign up
here.) I love the little boost the thoughts give me in focusing my time and energies on my family. For some reason, the following quote really struck me:
"When the seas of life are stormy, a wise mariner seeks a port of peace. The family, as we have traditionally known it, is such a refuge of safety. 'The home is the basis of a righteous life and no other instrumentality can take its place or fulfill its essential functions' (quoted in Conference Report, Oct. 1962, 72). Actually, a home is much more than a house. A house is built of lumber, brick, and stone. A home is made of love, sacrifice, and respect. A house can be a home, and a home can be a heaven when it shelters a family. When true values and basic virtues undergird the families of society, hope will conquer despair, and faith will triumph over doubt. "Such values, when learned and lived in our families, will be as welcome rain to parched soil. Love will be engendered; loyalty to one's best self will be enhanced; and those virtues of character, integrity, and goodness will be fostered. The family must hold its preeminent place in our way of life because it's the only possible base upon which a society of responsible human beings has ever found it practicable to build for the future and maintain the values they cherish in the present."
Thomas S. Monson“Dedication Day,” Ensign, Nov 2000, 65
Perhaps it was the timing of this little tidbit into my inbox; I had just been on a vacation away from my home and children, which made me even more anxious to be in my "port of peace" with my husband and children, with the comforting, familiar all around. But, even more than that, I think it struck me as such an important thought in society now, as we see the breakdown of the family. Many things are trying to devalue traditional families and the strength they give to society.
One of those things is the Proposition 8 now up for vote in California. (You can read a very candid and interesting post on this issue
here and find out more information
here.) I find it comforting, as well as important, that eight years ago, a prophet of God stressed that "family, as we have traditionally known it, is such a refuge of safety." What a blessing it is to know that as the world values crumble and other stresses-such as economy and war-pervade, we have the safety and peace of our homes. It is a daunting task we have to teach our children those values we hold dear. Yet, if we do, they will have the peace and comfort that a home of love, respect, and sacrifice can provide. Our children, then, will become the "welcome rain to parched soil" in society and in our lives.
I also found it interesting as I scrolled through the posts of "Family Gems" that I had missed in previous months, that not only was this quote published last week, it was also published on August 22nd of this year. It seems that someone is trying to get through to someone--probably me. I hope I took enough notice this time!