December 8, 2008

So Many Choices

When Sleeping Beauty got her root canal after her dancing accident, the nice Endodontist gave her a $10 gift card to Target for being such a good patient. (King thought maybe if we had bought the gift card, then it may have cost us $90 less, but that's beside the point...) She was so excited to spend the money.

Now, if you know our Sleeping Beauty well, you know that making decisions is not her strong point. I was with her at the store for over an hour. I was very patient and let her roam the aisles to her heart's content. I didn't even beat my head against the wall when it took her ten minutes to decide between two stuffed animals. (Don't think it's because I'm nice, it's just that the image of her nearly jumping out of the dentist's chair when the dentist brushed her tooth nerve kept popping into my head, and I figured she deserved a little patience.)

In the end, she came away with a cute snow hat (yes, a practical purchase--that's my girl!) and Ziggity-Zag, the Zebra. (So named in memory of the condition of her broken off tooth.) I think she made some good choices.


  1. Adorable... and the hat and zebra are pretty cute too!

  2. So cute. Money well spent.

  3. Lucky! All I get from my dentist is a bill!

  4. The hat is adorable and totally well deserved!

  5. maybe she should go shopping with me. that sounds like a trip w/jan & i. haha. i am the most indecisive person, especially at stores like target.


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