January 10, 2009


One of the things that I really, really don't like is when the kids argue. Luckily, it only happens at breakfast time, in the morning, at lunch time, in the afternoon, at dinner time...you get the picture. It happens WAY more than I like it to. Every day and argument is different.

Lately, Snow White and Cinderella have been at each other. They clash about everything at all times and for seemingly no real reason. Last night, just before dinner, they were fighting about who said they wanted what seat first, even though they each wanted and were in a different seat. I guess the issue was who had spoken up first, or something important like that.

I had reached my limit, but just before losing it asked Snow White to pray before our meal. I spent the few quiet moments telling myself to calm down and silently praying that I could help them get over this phase they are going through. Snow White gave a very thoughtful and nice prayer. At one point, she said, "Please bless all those that are...(pause)..homeless that they can be warm."

Well, I think, at least she's thinking of others and can be a sweet, kind girl even if she forgets to show it at home. Maybe there's hope!

She finishes praying, and I say, "Thank you Snow White, that was very nice. It is a cold, cold night, and I do hope those that don't have shelter can be warm, too."

"Yeah," she says, with a sweet little smile, "I was going to say 'please bless all those that are sick could feel better', but then I remembered Cinderella is sick, so I had to think of something else to say. I didn't want to pray for her."

Fabulous. We'll have a peaceful home in no time...


  1. Oh, my! I am crying with laughter (there are a few sympathetic tears in there for their mother), what stinkers!

  2. This is so funny! I don't know if I'd strangle someone or just laugh out loud.

  3. Only Snow White would be so honest with her lack of sympathy. What a riot! That is going to be worth telling for years and years.

  4. Goodness! How can you keep a straight face when they say things like that? Hang in there.

  5. That gave me a good laugh! How can they go from being so good to being so bad so quickly?

  6. Oh dear!! Is this what I have to look forward to as the mother of girls!? Heaven help us.

  7. THere is beauty all around . . . (sing with me) . . . THAT was hilarious. I love it when kids pray for totally impolite things, "please bless that mommy's chili won't be yucky." punks.

  8. I had the same attitude about my siblings while growing up. Now, we all love each other and get along. Just think, only 10-15 years before that happens for your girls. ;)

  9. So funny, I laughed out loud! Then I made Jeff read it, he thought it was funny too!


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