January 2, 2009

In Sync

*I know I have some updating of Christmas, etc, to do. It will come...someday. Try to be patient. That's one of your new resolutions anyway, isn't it?...It's not?... Oh....Well, it's one of mine. So you'll just have to deal with me being patient with myself in getting the things done that I want to get done, while my body isn't cooperating. Okay? Get over it if you don't like it. :) That's what I'm trying to do. On with this lame little post then...

We made the mistake of telling Grandma B that the girls would love some iTunes for Christmas. We downloaded every tween song with "stick in your head until you want to beat it against the wall" lyrics we could find, and have been enjoying them for the past few days.

Right now, the girls are supposed to be getting in bed, but, instead, they are trying to start their CDs in two different rooms at exactly the same time so they are on exactly the same note of the music. I think I've heard the first half of the first song now at least seven times in a row. I can't wait until they figure it out and it can reverberate through the house. Won't that be fun?


  1. you could post a picture of yourself in a tight orange jumpsuit. that'll get you out of christmas pictures EVERY TIME.

    "But it ain't no lie, Baby, bye, bye, bye" ...... GOOD LUCK!!!!

  2. oh boy, good luck with that. earplugs?

  3. Teenage girls are so fun! I just can't wait...oh no..just kidding, I have boys. :)

  4. Hey, it was your idea oh gracious queen! How fun for them and how irritating for you! Ouch.


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