January 6, 2009

Festivity Tips

We had a perfect Christmas vacation. And, now that the kids are all back in school, I have the time and quiet to give you some tips on how to have your own. So, let's begin, shall we?

1. Definitely, invite family to be there with you. This makes even things like laundry, dishes, cleaning, and cooking during the holidays more fun. Although, besides Christmas Eve dinner, we didn't really do any of those things while my parents were here. We left all of it for after they left--which was fabulous while they were here, but stunk when reality hit. But, I imagine if you wanted to do laundry and cleaning during the holidays, that having Grandma and Grandpa help you would be super fun. For you, anyway.

2. Use the flash on your camera even if it seems like it washes out everyone's faces. This is especially important if you don't have a steady hand.
3. Double check things when you are wrapping them. Otherwise, Grandpa could end up opening something that is very girly and not supposed to be for him. Oops. Sorry, Dad.

4. Look around before you pick places to take a cute group photo.
Whoopsie! Thank goodness, it was a relaxed Saturday and the only guy there exuding some sort of authority (he took our money when we paid to ride the minuscule elevator to the top of the tower) was dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt and didn't seem to care what we did.

5. Send the girls off with Grandma and Grandpa to see a movie. (No pictures of this brilliant tip, because I was at home in the quiet house!!! Yipee!)

6. Open the pajamas Grandma and Grandpa gave them on Christmas Eve so the kids will look all matchy-matchy cutie-pootie on Christmas Morning under the tree.7. Be certain to watch, and pay homage to, the Christmas Classics, such as Mr. Krueger's Christmas, and A Christmas Story. (This was our favorite display at the State History Museum.)8. If Santa brings your children Webkinz, as soon as you wake up, hop on to Webkinz.com to wait your turn to log in your new pet. You will be 'in line' waiting to enter the website for at least thirty minutes. Per pet. (Who knew?!)9. You've got to have hot chocolate. At least once. It's even more fun when you get it for free.
10. Make sure you write down the places that you hide your Christmas gifts. Now, I didn't do this, but I'm pretty sure that if I had it would have worked better than my plan. This morning was when I finally remembered where I'd hid the last three gifts. Luckily, they were for me and King, and we were fine with opening them a week and a half late.

We hope your holidays were filled with fun and adventure, just like ours. We had so much fun with my parents here and wish we could be with them for ALL of our adventures. Maybe someday we'll live closer....but we're not holding our breath.

**There are a few more pictures up on my other blog for the grandmas, so you can click on over there if you'd like.


  1. My kids love Webkinz, too. They all got one in their stocking (yes, JJ even still likes them, don't tell him I told you though :)! ) Thankfully we didn't log them in until we got home from WA.

  2. We visited the Christmas Story display at the historical society one year, too. So fantastic! Definitely worth visiting. I'm glad you guys had a great Christmas!

  3. Ah, yes. We waited until later in the day when the Webkins site was a little less busy.
    It looks like you all had a great time. I wish we could have been there.

  4. You wore me out just reading about it:-)

  5. It sounds just wonderful. This Grandma is terribly jealous!
    Miss you.


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