January 21, 2009


Cinderella is mad at me. Let's see if you can guess why...

A. She was told if she didn't clean her room before she left to go to the temple Saturday afternoon that everything on the floor would be mine. She didn't clean her room, everything that was on her floor is in a bag in my room. If she wants to earn items back, she can clean or fold laundry. She hates to clean and fold laundry.

B. I made her go to piano on Monday (on a holiday, of all days). She hates piano "above all else".

C. I took away her book that she was reading 30 minutes after bedtime, then her lamp and second book 45 minutes after bedtime, and then another book and her flashlight 48 minutes after bedtime. She didn't get the first book back, and she only has 30 pages left (it's a 700 page book). She can have it back after she goes to bed at a decent time a few days in a row. She hates to go to bed without reading, and she has to finish that book soon or she might forget what already happened.

D. She had to help make dinner tonight because I wasn't feeling well. Her night was supposed to be last night, but King cooked for her and thought it was fair if she then helped tonight. She hates Sloppy Joes (which, I guess, is why she only ate two) and shouldn't be expected to cook them.

If you guessed A, B, C or D, then you'd be right. It really is an unfair life she has. I keep telling her that there are consequences for all behavior, but I guess she's not really ready to learn that yet. I suppose I should be glad that my behavior has only resulted in her being mad at me. She hates everything else, it's a miracle she doesn't hate me today. Still, she's young, I'll make it on the list someday. (Again.)


  1. Wow. She does have a rough life. ;) I'm sure she'll thank you for it someday.

  2. Anonymous1/21/2009

    You are a good mom, Queen. Keep up the good work. Hang in there, she will hate you, then really love you again - but it takes a while.

  3. Poor Cinderella--How awful to have such a wicked Mom! Yes, this too will pass, but boy, what a constitution she has!

  4. Fear not: hate + sufficient time = appreciation.

  5. She really must be Cinderella. When we lived by each other they were just having fun in preschool, but I do remember you having bags of the girls items in your room then too. You really must be a wicked step mother.

  6. How dare you make her learn responsibility and accountability. What a horrible mother-like thing to do.


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