June 8, 2009

Bring Your Own Nebulizer--A Tip for Visiting Us

Well, what a weird weekend. We liked having K and her kids here. I really shouldn't say 'here', though. I really mean 'in the hospital in our town'. Hospital stays are generally an unfortunate event, and having one the entire time you are on vacation is really not the best idea. Well, unless you happen to like an overabundance of Hannah Montana and Scooby Doo videos, bland macaroni and chicken soup, and lots of nurses and interns waking you up all night--all things which are generally not on a thirty-something mom's list of vacation ideals. Poor K endured these and the trauma of dealing with it while her husband was in a different country and her Baby was at an unfamiliar house. What a bummer of a vacation for them. I wonder when the next time they'll visit us will be...Baby K did great at our house while her mom was at the hospital with S, though. My girls had a blast watching Baby K run around our house spewing such fabulously toddler phrases like 'mine!' and 'no!'. She was so cute at being a toddler that when I told Baby K she shouldn't throw her food on the floor, my three looked at me incredulously and accused me of child abuse. How could I offend the perfect baby girl by suggesting such things as manners and nutrition? I wonder how they think they learned it wasn't the best idea to throw your food on the floor if you wanted to eat it. They were just as cute as Baby K, yet somehow I managed to teach them what manners to use at the table. Not that they always choose to use them now. But, that's a whole different phase than toddlerhood.

S was released from the hospital two hours before we needed to leave for the airport to catch their flight home. At least her lungs cooperated when they really had to. :)

A word to the wise: pack your inhaler, allergy meds, and nebulizer when you come visit us. We've had enough of the hospital to last us for the next several visitors. But, if you're as cute as these two, we'll endure it if we have to.


  1. They are adorable! I am so sad for S (also K and baby K. Oh, and you for missing a visit from your BFF), but I am glad she is home and well now.

  2. Ready for your massage?

  3. What a bummer vacation!!!!!! (Yes, that did deserve a few exclamation marks.) K's kids look just like I would picture her kids looking. I hope you get another visit from K soon so you can hang out together.

  4. Wow, now that will be a vacation she will never forget, probably one of those stories she will tell at her wedding breakfast....remember that time....we went to visit.....wow who could forget the great food and entertainment. I can almost hear it now.


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