June 18, 2009

Lessons Learned

So, we've been on vacation for three days, and already I've learned a lot things. I'm sure I've learned some of them before, but I guess I don't really catch on that quickly sometimes.
  1. Arriving at the airport in a downpour makes it a little tricky to do the whole Long Term Parking thing.
  2. In the desert, it feels like you can get a sunburn in two minutes. It's good to think of sunscreen before you actually get to the park.
  3. Taking one half of an anti-nausea migraine medicine that usually puts you to sleep, puts you slightly more than halfway asleep. You really shouldn't get up to use the bathroom in turbulance when you are drugged like this. Some old ladies don't really like a fellow passenger nearly landing in their lap.
  4. If you have a headache, trying out the spinny thing at the park isn't such a good idea, even if it seems fun.
  5. Girls don't like chores at Grandma's house any more than they like them at home. Imagine that.
  6. Eating ice cream after dinner, chocolate chips before bed, and donuts for breakfast really doesn't make you feel that great. Or that happy to do chores.
  7. Driving your parents' nicer car can be hazardous to your happiness with the vehicles you own.
  8. Those old classic cartoons that are never on TV anymore (Popeye, Tom and Jerry, etc)have a lot of drinking, smoking, and violence. It's a wonder I'm not an abusive smoking alchoholic. We'll see how my kids turn out after their exposure.
  9. Going on dates with Grandma and Grandpa without Mom and Dad is totally awesome. I'm not saying if it's better for Mom and Dad or the kids. ;)
  10. The phrases, "No!", "That's mine!", and "I don't want to!" are somehow so cute when your nephew says them. Adorable, really.


  1. Those old ladies need a better sense of humor.

  2. Sounds like an adventure! Stay sun burn free and stop eating donuts for breakfast - oh never mind, you're on vacation:-)

  3. I was so excited to share Tom and Jerry with Little Sal and I was astounded by how much drinking and smoking there was! Not too long after we tried that classic, we bought the movie All Dogs go to Heaven. My word! It is another classic full of gambling, murder, drinking and smoking. Of course Little Sal LOVES both movies!


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