August 4, 2009

Celebration Time

Today is my anniversary. Not my wedding anniversary or even some creepy kind of anniversary (I don't understand people who celebrate the anniversary of the conception of their child, for instance) but today marks six months since I last took any Excedrin. Big deal, you think, lots of people can say that. But, you have to take into account that of those 183 days, I wanted, and needed, to take Excedrin for at least 150 of them. And that's being generous. I'm pretty sure I had a headache for about 181 1/2 of those days.

So, why did I torture myself? Well, the thing is, I get bounceback headaches, or a worse headache, when the medicine wears off, and then I need more, and then I take more, and then I start doing crazy things like thinking I am going to pass out because my stomach hurts and my heart is pounding out of my chest. Oh, AND it hardly ever works more than a tiny bit and then I can't stop taking it and then I feel worse and then I feel guilty because I feel worse and I've drugged myself and I knew that I shouldn't and I start taking my frustration out on my kids and my husband and my neighbors dumb dogs that won't start barking, and even on the nice cashier at Target, and it is just. NOT. GOOD. (Phew.)

Not to mention that more than one doctor of mine and several other "experts" online say that it can stay in your system for a while and that all it really does is compound my every day headache problem. So, I wanted to get it out of my system for good. So that I could say that any headache I have now is not a result of Excedrin. And because it is just not really a good idea to eat Excedrin like it is candy. Imagine that.

I think I thought if I could go without Excedrin, eventually my headaches would get better, or even go away. No such luck. I will say they are better than they were six months ago, but it's not because of the Excedrin, it's because of the other drugs, probably.

I'm sure none of you really care about my Excedrin habits, nor my neighbors dumb dog, but I will tell you that today is a huge day in my book. I can't believe I made it, and I have to say there is no way I could have done it without prayer and support from my family and definitely strength from heaven.

So, what next? What I really want to do is have a party and serve Excedrin and Sprite cocktails. But people might think that was wierd. So, instead, I am going to do what my new headache specialist doctor suggests, and that is to get an infusion through IV of medication to turn the "switch" in my head that is stuck at "on" to the "off" position. He thinks anyone who has had a headache for longer than three days qualifies, so I am definitely qualified. You ever heard of people that have five PhDs but they sell hot dogs for a living? I am THAT over qualified. So, I get five days of infusions instead of two and I get to do them next week.

If it doesn't work, I'm going back to my old plan: Over Dose on Excedrin. Only, this time, I'll see if I can get it in IV form. I don't even need the Sprite.


  1. Hi, my name is The Queen and I have been Excedrin-free for 6 months... :)

    I have definitely not gone 6 months without taking Excedrin. It's the WonderDrug. (For me at least, but I only get occasional migraines.)

    Happy Excedrin Anniversary. Next time I take one, I'll think of you.

  2. Yepee for six months excederine free! I'm ever SO proud of you! I have had headaches for a few months straight myself, soif you ever figure out the problem let me know! Also I would come to your party anytime!

  3. Well I sure hope next week goes well. Sounds like 5 days of Excedrin plus - what a party!

  4. I'm so proud of you!! I remember your 4 month mark and was truely hoping you would make it. Can that infusion turn anything else off....or on, like energy levels?

  5. This is a great post. Congrats on reaching your goal and being Excedrin free! Hope the infusions have helped...


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