August 30, 2009

It's a Good Thing

Today was a good day at church. I gave the most boring Sharing Time that ever was. I know this because half of the Senior Primary lives at my house, and they told their dad about the Sharing Time on our drive home. Now, I didn't think it was that bad, but I'm not ten, so I don't really know a lot, apparently.
(It's a good thing during the Sacrament Meeting portion of our meetings I resolved to have more patience, isn't it?) ;)


  1. 10 year olds are not reliable boring meters. I think that there has to be cotton candy and some kind of amusement park ride to bring anything above a 3 on a 1-10 scale. So, I'm sure it was great. :)

  2. Patience. Are we all always working on that one, or is it just me?

  3. I think being related to someone makes us a worse judge. Either that or everyone else is just being nice...I'm going for the first thought for my sake:-)


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