August 13, 2009

Things That Don't Really Matter Are Discussed

Today I went, for the fourth day in a row, to the hospital to get my transfusion of headache medicine. Not the hospital that is ten minutes from my house, that would be too easy. Since we just paid nearly $400 to the schools to register, $100 to WalMart for school supplies, $200 to the eye doctor for new glasses, and who knows what to the mall for jeans without holes, we feel like spending all of our extra money on gas to drive 45 minutes instead of ten. It's really great. And, I'm sure these transfusions that I am admitted to the ER for every day are going to be really cheap, too. Fantastic.

Today, at the hospital, nature called, so I found the ladies room. It was gigantic. I am not kidding. They could have fit at least four stalls in there, plus a nice sink, and possibly a massage table or counter with fancy perfumes. Probably even one of those guys that holds your towel for you and gives you breath mints. But, no, just one lone toilet in the corner about a mile away from the door.

I don't know about you, but I like some room in the public restroom--nothing like hitting your knees on the stall door as you do your business. Yuck. Not to mention standing in the toilet to open the door back up. But, a room large and empty enough to echo my every move was just a bit creepy. And freezing. And, frankly, a little excessive. I'm betting my hospital bill costs five dollars more just to pay the taxes on the piece of land the ladies room sits on. I really wanted to check out the men's room, too, but the nurse was waiting for me. It's my goal for tomorrow. Well, that and try really hard to not get sick after my transfusion and most definitely get rid of my headache so I don't have to do this again next week.

Oh, and there's a Cold Stone right by the hospital that King promised to take me to. We are going there for sure. It has a minuscule bathroom. Although, the treats at Cold Stone are so much better than at the hospital, I'd stand in their toilet any day. (Um, not really. Gross.)


  1. Denise8/13/2009

    Sounds like there was plenty of room to pass out in just in case the transfusion made you too ill. The small stall issue is a big one at our church. You have to slide to the side of the toilet to open and close the stall door. I was thinking insulting, not gross.

  2. JC Penny has an odd bathroom too. Strange how we need a certain amount of space to do things, too much or too little just throws us off balance, I'm surprised you were able to complete the task (and somewhat impressed).


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