August 31, 2009

Making a Mockery of the Menu

How do you plan your menus when you go grocery shopping? I do it by month. I plan on making fifteen to twenty different things, and some of them we plan to eat twice. I wish I could say I write down fifteen things I feel like cooking. Really, though, I write down a list of things that I can stomach, and more than half of them I only put because at least two children will eat them without complaining. I have no desire to eat Tuna Casserole, but since the girls all like it, I would rather have them happy and eating than have them whine while I eat something I want. Do you do this too? I can't be the only mother that would rather have peace than a delicious dinner. (I do realize that there are those of you out there that always make delicious dinners that your children also love to eat, but you bought your children from Jupiter, so that doesn't really count.)

Today is my shopping and menu planning day. I realized I was off to a bad start when I had only six things on the list--three requests from the children:
  • meatloaf
  • grilled chicken
  • Swedish meatballs
and three things that I felt like making:
  • scrambled eggs
  • waffles
  • pancakes
And then I crossed the first three off because they take so long to make. But, then I felt bad so I put them back on the menu on days when King has said he will cook. And then I felt guilty, so I put them back on the days when I will cook. And now I know that I will buy the ingredients, intending to cook the first three meals, but by this time next month, they will be on the list again because I will have made the last three meals on my list in their places.

I know you are shocked at the way my mind and grocery list work. Don't pretend you aren't. I'd also just like to add that I do use whole wheat flour when I make waffles and pancakes, just in case there is anyone who questions my commitment to health reading this blog. And, also, I'd like to say that Swedish meatballs are tasty; I have nothing against the Swedish.


  1. We've eaten more than our share of pancakes, waffles and scrambled eggs at our house recently. I honestly can't think of many things that sound good so we eat whatever John can make most days. We don't even use whole wheat flour, so you're better off than we are.

  2. Denise8/31/2009

    I did make some things that my husband and children liked that I only tolerated (chicken enchiladas, for example), but I drew the line a hot dogs. I think I may have cooked them a few times, but just couldn't stomach the smell.
    Our children were forced to eat from the garden during the summer, and it has taken this long for some to appreciate those yummy fresh veggies. We were on a tight budget, so we ate of lot of hamburger in its various forms. We also ate a lot of simple pasta dishes since they were cheap.
    As I became older, I made large quantities of spaghetti sauce, then pull it from the freezer if I just couldn't handle cooking. Meatloaf also freezes well uncooked.
    Hope youa re feeling better soon!


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